Чем опасен глифосат?

Why Glyphosate is Hazardous?
Georgy Y. Laptev, Elena A. Yildyrym, Darya G. Tiurina, Larisa A. Ilyina, Valentina A. Filippova, Ksenia A. Kalitkina, Andrey V. Dubrovin, Natalia I. Novikova, Veronika Kh. Melikidi, Elena P. Gorfunkel, Ekaterina S. Ponomareva, Tamara M. Okolelova.
Abstract. Glyphosate is the active substance of Roundup, the most popular herbicide in the World. At present worldwide and massive application of glyphosates can become a serious hazard for the health in animals and humans. Glyphosates detrimentally affect the symbiotic intestinal microbiotas with resulting microbial imbalances and damage of their protective functions in the host against pathogens. We have recently found that the presence of glyphosates in feeds for poultry (even in concentrations close to its legislatively permissible level) can result in the negative effects on physiology and productivity. Glyphosates were found to stimulate the hyperproduction of pro-inflammatory genes in avian intestine and induce the cecal expression of genes of prostaglandin receptors (PTGER3 anad PTGER4) and prostaglandin synthesis (PTGDS) in broilers. Genes PTGER3 and PTGER4 are related to the decreased expression of multidrug resistance protein while gene PTGDS can amplify the toxicity of xenobiotics. The increase in the expression of these genes by dietary glyphosates can therefore be detrimental for the host, decreasing the tolerance to toxicants and concomitantly amplifying their toxicity. There is a dire need now to draw more attention to the problem of the presence of glyphosates in diets for productive animals and poultry as well as to proper correction of the permissible ranges of these potentially hazardous substances.
Keywords: glyphosate, gene expression, poultry, biodestruction, probiotic.
Laptev G.Y., Yildyrym E.A., Tiurina D.G., Ilyina L.A., Filippova V.A., Kalitkina K.A., Dubrovin A.V., Novikova N.I., Melikidi V.Kh., Gorfunkel E.P., Ponomareva E.S., Okolelova T.M. (2022) Why glyphosate is
hazardous? Ptitsevodstvo, 71(7-8): 00-00. (in Russ.) doi: 10.33845/0033-3239-2022-71-7-8-00-00